what does it mean in badminton when you you point one

what does it mean in badminton when you you point one

The badminton scoring system discussed on this page is based on the 21 points or known to many as the new rules.

How to Win a Badminton Game

Y'all get a point by winning a rally.

Yous win a rally if:

  • The shuttle drops within the Within boundaries of your opponent'southward side.
  • Your opponent commits a Badminton Fault.

Whether you're playing singles or doubles, yous'll win the game when you lot get 21 points before your opponent does.

Deuce in Badminton

When the score reaches xx-20, there will be a deuce. When a score deuces, yous'll need lead by ii points in lodge to win the game. Counting of points go along even later 21 points. You volition ONLY be announced as the winner if you lot atomic number 82 by 2 points (For instance, 22-20, 23-21, 24-22…)

Even so the maximum points for an official badminton game is 30 points. For example if both sides deuce at 29-29, the winner of the next rally will win the game at 30-29.

Badminton Scoring and Serving Position

You lot should also know which area on the court y'all should be standing when making a service. It'due south very simple.

You ever serve diagonally to the opponent's side. For example in singles,

The next affair is where should I stand when I serve?

The thespian with an:

  • EVEN number score (0,two,iv,6…) serve from the RIGHT hand side area of the court.
  • ODD number score (ane,3,5,7…) serve from the LEFT hand side of the court.

A unproblematic illustration is provided in the picture below.

This works exactly the same for badminton doubles. Since there will exist ii players each side, this might look a bit complicated.

In doubles, players merely switch areas to serve if they win consecutive points.

However don't get it?

Don't worry! It's pretty simple. Here are examples of 2 possible scenarios…

Ane side will accept two players (player A and Player B). The score is 0-0 and the squad will start the game by making the first badminton service.

Scenario i:

In the above movie, "player A" stands at the right mitt side and their current indicate is 0, and so "histrion A" will serve from the right side.

If A and B wins the rally, the point volition exist ane-0 and "player A" will take to motion to the left hand side of the courtroom to serve.

Now, "Actor A" will make the service from the left side at 1-0.

Scenario 2:

Allow's get dorsum to 0-0. Say "thespian A" starts the service. Simply this time, they LOSE a indicate to their opponents. Their score remains at 0; their opponent's score is one. The opponent gets to serve now.

Then during the adjacent rally, "player A's" side win the rally and bring the score to ane-1. This time, "role player B" serves** instead of "player A" (They DO NOT need to switch areas).

**Since 1 is an odd number, the histrion standing at the left hand side of the court will make the service.

As a beginner, it's very normal to detect yourself 'lost' while playing doubles. Information technology'll be useful to have at least one actor on courtroom who is familiar with the badminton scoring rules to guide you lot at the start. I promise yous'll be a pro at this after a few sessions of badminton.

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what does it mean in badminton when you you point one

Posted by: veladary1966.blogspot.com

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